In this section you will find a representative selection of VMC’s clientele, past and present. If you are looking for a specific area of expertise, you will find projects from across the spectrum. The drop down menu is organized by key areas from which the VMC team has drawn its expertise over the years. These include: Human Resources; Methods Engineering & Work Measurement; Operations Research backed by Academic Credentials; and Transportation Management. You can sort by experience category using the drop down menu. There are Case Studies associated with a sub-set of these clients. Please note the Case Study icon.
Schenectady County, New York
The County has a goal of providing transportation at the lowest possible cost and yet to maximize reimbursement from the state of New York for those passengers that are classified as Medicaid. Please click the icon to read the Case Study
The County has a goal of providing transportation at the lowest possible cost and yet to maximize reimbursement from the state of New York for those passengers that are classified as Medicaid. Please click the icon to read the Case Study